Etsy find

Being in Subiaco, an urban suburb half an hour away from home made me realise my need to travel again. I can't wait to enter a city where I don't know anyone and discover new places, people and clothes, where almost everyone has takent the time and effort to make themselves appear indivdually and stylish.

New purple patterned dress from Etsy, eBay boots and hat. Sportsgirl purse and bracelet. Sunglasses from Bali markets.

This entry was posted on Tuesday 23 October 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

3 Responses to “Etsy find”

  1. such a nice dress sazzle!!!

  2. nice prints on your dress!

    would you like to follow each other?

    1. Thankyou!
      Yeah sure your blog/style is amazing! xx
