Womanhood celebrated!!

Feminism is brought into the spotlight - its trendy, celebrated and positively acknowledged

Most feminists discuss how their opinions about gender inequality started to form at young and tender ages. To be completely honest, I will admit the feminist movement has recently been put into my perspective for the first, real time. Perhaps I have subconsciously noticed it in younger years, or maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones. By the lucky ones - I mean, I wasn't discriminated for being a woman, I wasn't unaccepted in society for being female. Although there are people out there who face difficulties and gender discrimination. These are girls who are forced to marry before they become women, women told they can't play that sport, women earning less than men, girls in rural areas misunderstood for getting their period - yes it happens.

Why are people complaining that 'everyone' is a feminist? 

It may be 'trending' if you like to call it - or in the public spotlight particularly through magazines and social media, although what's the harm in more awareness? Girls may be calling themselves feminists for the wrong reasons, although the definition and truth about awareness are slowly but surely making their way around in society - the above females (plus more) have made that happen. My point is, there is no harm is ladies declaring they are feminists for no valid reason. At least the message is spreading and females can finally celebrate their womanhood!

Confidence is something young females are more vulnerable too, compared to young boys. Therefore the celebration of feminism can only help these young girls to discover they are all beautiful even if they don't look like those stupid girls in the magazines.

My three idolised feminist representatives (besides Beyonce for obvious reasons)

Tavi Gevinson.
The first person who made me understand the definition of feminism. After completing an assignment based on her magazine publication Rookie and watching interviews about her views on feminism, pop culture and fashion I began to support and celebrate female perks. Gevinson is the perfect example of a young female role model who makes you believe the impossible is possible. And isn't that similar to feminism? Changing the unchangeable? Gevinson has achieved fame and amazing success at 18 years old, providing the feminist world with hope and thank for technology since Tavi's success started on the Internet.

Caitlin Morgan.
For her novel How to be a Woman. Although I initially found the language confronting - I adjusted and discovered her witty humour and honest but hilarious marks throughout the book. Miss Morgan talks about issues all women face throughout their lives and gives you a reason to appreciate your body, your quirky female habits and everything girly.

How to be a Woman is a must read for any female - particularly those feeling insecure or unsure about developing, growing up, achieving confidence and simply wanting to have a laugh. She addresses serious issues with humour and brutal honesty, revealing private aspects of her life with an entertaining manner.

Emma Watson.
Who is now a Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women! The actress delivered a powerful speech to the UN last week, formally inviting men to be involved with the feminist movement. Miss Watson is an intelligent and highly-educated individual who finally put into spotlight that feminism does not equal man hating. At only 24, she proves that women can achieve immeasurable success. Her speech made it clear that the UN is making changes as the feminist movement with the campaign of HeforShe.

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