
I thought I would share some of my (more deep and meaningful) thoughts I have experienced, whilst being completely out of my comfort zone in Malaysia for the past week :)

I've grown to believe that things don’t work out for a particular reason. Some things are not meant to be, so others can fall into place.

The universe has a way of working things out, for the greater benefit of your personal future fulfillment. If you fight the system, you’ll cause friction and problems. Our vision and mindset is the barrier or opportunity - to the benefit waiting for us at the end.

I used to fight the system, carrying this necessity to over plan, organize and have a specific future vision. Now I realize this narrow mindset is the aspect stopping growth, life lessons and unplanned, beautiful pathways leading us to places we never imagined.

People tend to create safety barriers around their life. The job. The house. The income. The retirement money. Some people have a tendency to live for the future, creating problems for the present, and never embracing or realizing the beauty in this moment now. This mindset will result in missed opportunities – something amazing could be right in front of you, but you are blinded by your specific future vision to recognize the alternative path awaiting you.

Be open. Embrace change. Go with what feels right. Listen to your gut feeling – it’s smarter than your brain.

This entry was posted on Saturday 13 June 2015. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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